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This platform contains 4 courses oriented to training in various aspects related to Adult Education in learning platforms with the intervention of artificial intelligence and taking into account the ethical aspects of data handling.
COURSE 1: Ethics and Big Data in the adult learning environment
COURSE 2: AI and data driven Methodology in the Learning Environment
COURSE 3: Learning Analytics
COURSE 4: Methods and Use of Learning Analytics and Big Data for an Individual Educational Approach in an ethical perspective
The courses are developed in 5 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Greek and French in order to make the content available to the widest possible audience.
Each of the courses has a certificate that is obtained at its end after answering an exam to validate the learning of the contents.
In addition, if all 4 courses are taken, a complete certificate which includes all the learning areas can be obtained.These courses were created within the Erasmus+ project "LivAI - Making Adult Education lively through Artificial Intelligence" Project No: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000087381 co-funded by SEPIE and the European Commission.
This platform reflects the views only of the authors. Neither the SEPIE, nor the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Partners participating in the creation of this platform are: UJI, Finnova Foundation, EFCoCert, Ubitech, Konnektable and EPC Consult.
Cours disponibles
- Enseignant: Admin User
- Enseignant: Ubitech Ubitech
- Enseignant: Admin User
- Enseignant: Ubitech Ubitech
- Enseignant: Admin User
- Enseignant: Admin User
- Enseignant: Óscar Belmonte-Fernández
- Enseignant: Admin User
- Enseignant: Admin User